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What to expect during a bit fit session

Thank you for booking a bit and/or bridle fitting session.

Below are the steps we’ll undertake during the session. Please note, it is very important your horse is up-to-date with dental and your saddle fits. Both of these things can impact how your horse behaves with the bit and affect the session.

You will be required to sign a waiver at the beginning of the session. Please let me know if you’d like a copy in advance.

Safety is very important. If it’s raining, or has been raining and the grounds are unsuitable, we can reschedule. Similarly, if the weather on the day makes you feel unsafe about riding, or there is another reason you might feel unsafe, please get in touch at least 2 hours before the session to discuss options.

Ridden sessions:

  • We will start on the ground so please ensure your bring a halter, your current bridle and bit(s) and have a suitable space for riding. If your main focus is jumping, while we will start with flatwork, please have some jumps available to be able to use.
  • Please do not have your horse saddled or bridled.
  • Please have your horse caught, brushed and ready to be saddled and bridled.
  • We will have a chat about and what’s involved in the session and expected outcomes.
  • I will look at the horse’s mouth as well as over the body. I check the body to ensure there are no obvious signs of discomfort as this can impact the outcomes of the session.
  • I will ask you to tack up the horse. I watch for reactions to the saddling process and if the horse seems uncomfortable at all.
  • I look at your current bit/bridle fit and discuss findings.
  • I will watch you ride the horse in it’s current bit and bridle.
  • Based on all this information we will try some bits to see the horse’s response when being ridden. For each bit change, you will need to dismount and mount again, so having a mounting block nearby is handy. It’s also good to practice getting on and off your horse a few times in the days leading up to the session. Often horses think the riding is over when you dismount and get confused when you re-mount, so practice can help them cope better.
  • The horse will let you, the rider, know how it feels about each bit. When we find the right bit, the horse will overall be softer, feel nicer, move better and more responsive. Much of the outcomes is based on how the horse and rider feel about the bits. I do watch from the ground to see what I can see, but what your horse tells you is the most important thing.
  • Based on what the horse tells us, we will discuss side options, purchasing options etc.
  • If required, we will do the bridle fitting at the end once we have the chosen bit as it can impact how the bridle fits. Bridle fittings are done using Flexible Fit bridles and I build a bridle for your horse.
  • I will send you a report which includes:
    • observations on mouth anatomy
    • current bit and bridle fit comments
    • which bits were tried and the horse’s responses
    • the bit chosen – including size
    • bridle fit information (if applicable).

Non-ridden session

  • We will start on the ground so please ensure your bring a halter, your current bridle and bit(s) and have a suitable space to walk the horse around.
  • Please do not have your horse bridled.
  • Please have your horse caught, brushed and ready to be and bridled.
  • We will have a chat about and what’s involved in the session and expected outcomes.
  • I will look at the horse’s mouth as well as over the body. I check the body to ensure there are no obvious signs of discomfort as this can impact the outcomes of the session.
  • I will ask you to put the bridle on the horse. I watch for reactions to the bridle and bit, and if the horse seems uncomfortable at all. If you do not have a bridle, we will measure the horse up at this point for a bridle using the Flexible Fit bridles.
  • I look at your current bit/bridle fit and discuss findings.
  • Based on all this information we will try some bits to see the horse’s response. Walking the horse around in the bit often gives us good feedback. If you can, before the session practice putting the reins over the horse’s head and doing some simple movements, such as stop, turn left/right, back-up. It helps if you have a feel of the horse in your current bit first.
  • The horse will let us know it feels about each bit. When we find the right bit, the horse will overall be softer, feel nicer, move better and more responsive. We can see more relaxation in the horse’s body and a general overall feeling that the bit is not causing the horse discomfort.
  • Based on what the horse tells us, we will discuss side options, purchasing options etc.
  • If required, we will do the bridle fitting at the end once we have the chosen bit as it can impact how the bridle fits. Bridle fittings are done using Flexible Fit bridles and I build a bridle for your horse.
  • I will send you a report which includes:
    • observations on mouth anatomy
    • current bit and bridle fit comments
    • which bits were tried and the horse’s responses
    • the bit chosen – including size
    • bridle fit information (if applicable).